Kirby Copy Abilities

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Feel the power of my blade! Once you have sword, you will automatically slash anyone you get close to. to get it, you must...
1. Inhale a Sword Knight
2. Pick up a Sword Panel [City Trial only]
3. Get it with the Copy Ability Chance Wheel


Run away Wheel! Wheel lets you move very fast without a Air Ride Machine. to get this, you must...
1. Inhale a Wheelie
2. Pick up a Wheel Panel [City Trial only]
3. Get it with the Copy Ability Chance Wheel

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Whoosh! Tornado powers up you quick spin attack. You can get it by...
1. Inhale a Caller
2. Pick up a Tornado Panel [City Trial only]
3. Get it with the Copy Ability Chance Wheel


Look at me! I'm a Bird! Wing will let you take flight without a Air Ride Machine. To get is, you must...
1. Inhale a Flappy
2. Pick up a Wing Panel [City Trial only]
3. Get it with the Copy Ability Chance Wheel


Zzz. Zzz. Zzz. Zzz. Hun? oh, sorry. The Sleep power just makes you fall asleep. To get it, you must...
1. Inhale a Noddy
2. Pick up a Sleep Panel [City Trial only]
3. Get it with the Copy Ability Chance Wheel


Cold! Too Cold! Freeze enemies around you with a cold ice wave. get this power by...
1. Inhale a Chilly
2. Pick up a Freeze Panel [City Trial only]
3. Get it with the Copy Ability Chance Wheel


Fire! Your on Fire! Burn your foes with this power. Get it by...
1. Inhale a Heat PhanPhan
2. Pick up a Fire Panel [City Trial only]
3. Get it with the Copy Ability Chance Wheel


Zap! Give your foes a good shock with this power. Power you shock by moving the control stick left and right. You can get this by...
1. Inhale a Plasma Wisp
2. Pick up a Plasma Panel [City Trial only]
3. Get it with the Copy Ability Chance Wheel


Kaboom! Throw the bomb and watch the explosion damage any one around where the bomb landed. To get this ability, you must...
1. Inhale a Balloon Bomber
2. Pick up a Bomb Panel [City Trial only]
3. Get it with the Copy Ability Chance Wheel


Wow! With music, you can damage all the enemies close by. To get this power, you can...
1. Inhale a Walky
2. Pick up a Mike Panel [City Trial only]
3. Get it with the Copy Ability Chance Wheel


Yikes! With the Needle power, you can spike your enemies right were they are. To get this power, you can...
1. Inhale a Pichikuri
2. Pick up a Needle Panel [City Trial only]
3. Get it with the Copy Ability Chance Wheel